Drapolene 100g tube

Find out more about soothing, treating and preventing nappy rash

Drapolene Cream 200g tub

Find out more about soothing, treating and preventing nappy rash

Drapolene 100g tube and 200g tub

Find out more about soothing, treating and preventing nappy rash

Drapolene 100g tube

Find out more about soothing, treating and preventing nappy rash

Drapolene Cream 200g tub

Find out more about soothing, treating and preventing nappy rash

Drapolene 100g tube and 200g tub

Find out more about soothing, treating and preventing nappy rash


What is nappy rash?

Nappy rash is a skin irritation found on the skin under the nappy.

Causes of nappy rash?

It can be caused by the skin being in contact with wee or poo for long periods, the nappy rubbing, or sensitivity to ingredients in soaps and wipes.

Signs and symptoms of nappy rash

Signs of nappy rash include red, sore or spotty skin under the nappy. It is a very common condition for babies and toddlers and can make them feel uncomfortable, causing them to cry or be irritable.

Triggers can be:

  • A cold
  • Teething
  • Diarrhoea
  • Antibiotic use
  • Changing from breast milk to formula
  • Sleeping through the night for the first time
  • Weaning onto solids

What is nappy rash?

Nappy rash is a skin irritation found on the skin under the nappy.

Causes of nappy rash?

It can be caused by the skin being in contact with wee or poo for long periods, the nappy rubbing, or sensitivity to ingredients in soaps and wipes.

Signs and symptoms of nappy rash

Signs of nappy rash include red, sore or spotty skin under the nappy. It is a very common condition for babies and toddlers and can make them feel uncomfortable, causing them to cry or be irritable.

Triggers can be:

  • A cold
  • Teething
  • Diarrhoea
  • Antibiotic use
  • Changing from breast milk to formula
  • Sleeping through the night for the first time
  • Weaning onto solids

A squeeze of Drapolene® Cream at every nappy change soothes, treats and prevents nappy rash. It forms a barrier to protect baby’s delicate skin under the nappy, from external irritants such as wee or poo.

This antiseptic cream is non-greasy, easy to apply and does not clog the nappy or liner.

A squeeze of Drapolene® Cream at every nappy change soothes, treats and prevents nappy rash. It forms a barrier to protect baby’s delicate skin under the nappy, from external irritants such as wee or poo.

The antiseptic cream is non-greasy, easy to apply and does not clog the nappy or liner.


Easy to Apply



Drapolene Cream’s unique formulation

Drapolene® Cream is an effective treatment for nappy rash. Its unique antiseptic formulation, gently soothes the irritation, reduces the redness on the skin and helps stop the bacteria growing that causes the irritation in the first place.

It contains two antiseptics: benzalkonium chloride and cetrimide, which soothe and treat the rash, helping to stop the growth of bacteria which can cause the rash.

It also contains two moisturisers: white paraffin and lanolin, which moisturise the skin and form a protective barrier that prevents external irritants from reaching the skin.

Used at every nappy change Drapolene® can help you treat and prevent nappy rash for your baby.

Two gentle antiseptics treat the sore skin, reduce redness/irritation and prevent infection.

Two moisturisers form a protective barrier over the skin helping to protect from external irritants.


Tips for preventing nappy rash

Applying Drapolene® Cream at every nappy change will help prevent nappy rash. Here are some other useful prevention tips you can try:

  • Bathe baby regularly, drying the skin folds carefully.
  • Change your baby’s nappy several times a day, carefully cleaning baby’s bottom and genitals at every nappy change, using lukewarm water and cotton wool.

How to apply Drapolene Cream

Drapolene® Cream’s soothing and effective antiseptic formulation is used by parents like you to help protect even the most delicate of babies’ skin.

  • Wash and dry the affected area thoroughly, paying particular attention to the folds of skin
  • Apply Drapolene® Cream thinly to the irritated area
  • Fit a clean, dry nappy
  • Re-apply Drapolene® Cream at every nappy change to prevent nappy rash

Ask your pharmacist for Drapolene Cream or order online

Peak Pharmacy
Day Lewis Pharmacy
Available at Amazon

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Drapolene® Cream contains benzalkonium chloride and cetrimide to prevent and treat nappy rash, adult urinary dermatitis and treat minor burns.

Supra Enterprises Ltd 2023.
PL Holder Ravira Ltd., Aiolou 4, 3020, Limassol, Cyprus. | Distributed by Supra Enterprises Ltd, Leicester, LE3 2XP | Manufactured in the UK. PL 44543/0001